Health Services
Medication Guidelines
*Medication should not be given at school unless it is absolutely necessary for the health and wellbeing of the student.
*All medication must be brought to school in the original container by a parent or a responsible adult. NO STUDENTS ARE PERMITTED TO BRING MEDICATION TO SCHOOL.
*A Physician Medication Administration Form must be on file at school, signed by a parent/guardian and a physician, before medication may be administered. Any changes in a medication order require a new form signed by the physician and parent. If a student does not take a daily scheduled medication for more than 30 days, a new order is required.
*A new Physician Medication Administration Form is required at the beginning of each school year. All medication must be picked up by a parent/guardian at the end of the school year. If it is not picked up, it is discarded.
*Medication must be in the original container.
*Inhalers and Epi-Pens may be brought to school by the student with a completed Physician Medication Administration Form. Students are permitted to self-carry asthma inhalers and Epi-Pens with proper documentation.
*Only the school nurse, a substitute nurse, the principal, or person designated by the principal, are authorized to administer medication at school.
*Click HERE to review the Ohio Revised Code prescription drug policy for schools.
5 dtap, 4 polio, 3 Hepatitis B, 2 MMR and 2 Varicella, required PRIOR TO ENTERING KINDERGARTEN
Click HERE for kindergarten health packet
*7th Grade
Tdap booster and first Meningococcal, required PRIOR TO ENTEREING SEVENTH (7TH) GRADE
Please get an updated copy of your child’s shot records from the doctor
*12th Grade
2 doses of the Meningococcal vaccine. 1 is acceptable if administered after the age of 16, REQUIRED PRIOR TO ENTERING TWELFTH (12TH) GRADE.
Immunizations are required by Section 3313.671 and 3701.13 of the Ohio Revised Code. Proof of complete immunizations is required within 14 days after enrollment in school. If SLSD does not have the shots on file, students will be unable to return until the immunizations are on file. Please get an updated copy of your child’s shot records from the doctor.
When to keep your child home from school due to sickness/illness
*Temp over 100 or higher. Child can return to school if fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
*Vomiting. Child can return to school if 24 hours vomit-free.
*Fever is defined as having a temperature of 100 or higher (American Academy of Pediatrics).
Community Medical Resources
*Mercy Health Clinic at Harrison High School 513-853-8540
*Crossroads Health Center 513-367-5888
*Hamilton County Health Dept 513-946-7800
*Cincinnati Health Dept 513-357-7200
*Lawrenceburg Health Dept 812-537-8826
*Small Smiles Dental Center 513-841-1000
*Cincinnati Dental Society 513-984-3443
Health Screenings
*Vision K,1,3,5,7,9,11
*Hearing K,1,3,5,9,11
*This will be conducted yearly by school personnel, as the screenings are mandated by the Ohio Dept of Health.
*If they do not pass a referral will be sent home with the recommendation that parent/guardian make an appointment with their physician.
Concussion Support
*School nurses are not able to diagnose a concussion but can report the signs and symptoms that the student is experiencing to the parent. Please consult your child’s physician for any questions or if you are concerned that your child may have a concussion.
Medical Support
- Short-term or long-term medical-related supports may need to be put in place through our district nurses.
- Individual Health Plans are created and monitored by our nurses.
- To speak with your student’s school nurse, select "School Nurses" in the column to the left and select the nurse at your child's school.
- If you need assistance over the summer, please contact the school administration.
Help with an Individualized Health Plan
For help with issues related to a student’s IHP:
- Speak with your student’s School Nurse.
- Speak with your student’s Principal.