Crosby Update-March 7, 2025

Southwest Local Schools
“Academic and Social Growth for ALL students, EVERYDAY!”
Facebook- Crosby Elementary School, Harrison Ohio
Twitter - @SLSDCrosby
Dear Crosby Parents and Guardians,
Please read each Crosby Update to stay in the know about upcoming events and what is going on in our school and district.
New this week: Parent Square- new district communication system, Flower Sale, and another Martial Arts opportunity!
NOTEWORTHY DATES- Mark your calendars!
11 District Town Hall Meeting at HJS 7:00-8:30 pm
12 Spring Picture Day
14 No School for Students- End of Quarter Day
17 Variety Show 7:00 p.m.
17-21 NWEA MAP Testing
20 Banking Day
21 3rd Quarter Report Cards Published to Progress Book Gr 1-5
24-28 Spring Break
1-17 ELA State Testing for Gr 3-5
3 Banking Day
4 Daddy-Daughter Dance 7:00 p.m. at AC
5 Mom Prom 7:00 p.m. at AC
17 Banking Day
18-21 Easter Break
22-May 9 Math State Testing for Gr 3-5
23 1st Gr Musical 6:00 p.m./ 2nd Gr Musical 7:00 p.m.
1 Banking Day
5-9 DIBELS Testing for students Gr K-5
8 Grandparents’ Day A-H (4:30-5:15), I-Q (5:30-6:15), R-Z (6:30-7:15)
9 G.O.A.L.S. Day for 5th Grade
13 5th Grade Olympics Day (@ Harrison High School Football Stadium)
15 Banking Day
16 Vehicle Day for K-5 / Rain Date for 5th Gr Olympics Day
20-21 Field Day (Grade Levels TBD)
22 Grad Walk / Field Day rain date
26 No School- Memorial Day
27 5th Grade Celebration
28 Last Day for Students / 5th Gr Celebration Rain Date
6 4th Quarter Report Cards Published to Progress Book for Gr 1-5
Ohio's Erin's Law, also known as Senate Bill 288, requires schools to teach age-appropriate lessons on child sexual abuse prevention and sexual violence prevention. Students at Crosby Elementary will participate in these lessons provided by the Council on Child Abuse of Southern Ohio, the week of May 20th. We want to give you plenty of time to understand the requirements, so I have provided the link below. Specific information and an opt-out form will be sent home at least two weeks prior to the lessons. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Nicole Lee, our school counselor.
To call in a student absence call 513-738-1717 and when prompted press 1 to leave a message.
Due to the increase in enrollment, Crosby Elementary will begin work on an addition this summer. The addition will include 8 typical classrooms, one MH classroom (first floor) and two small group rooms (2nd floor). The rooms will be added to the rear of the academic wing. It is anticipated that the project will be completed by July 2026.
The district used lease back financing for $3,000,000 of the addition and the remaining $2,000,000 is coming from the permanent improvement fund (this was a .5 mill levy passed with the original bond levy to help with maintenance and additions to buildings). PI funds are not designed to entirely cover the cost of an addition but can provide supplemental funding.
School fees for the 24-25 school year have been posted to your student's account. To pay them - Login to our Parent Portal Click on the 9 squares (top right of your screen) and click PaySchools Central. PayForIt users click PayForIt to transition your account. You can also download the PaySchools Central mobile app for phones/tablets. If you have an account, enter your email and password. If you forgot your username or password, click “Forgot Password” and enter your email address and click “By Email” or “By Phone” to receive your password.
Please click below to read about changes in age eligibility for Kindergarten:
Harrison Elementary PTO is partnering with Napier's Martial Arts to sponsor a Spring Session for Martial Arts training. This is a 4 week session with a 5th session hosted at Napier's Martial Arts. Classes will be at Harrison Elementary School from 6:00-7:00 pm on Monday, April 7, 14, 28, and May 5. Classes are open to ALL Southwest Local Students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Please email with any questions.
Use this link to sign up:
Payments can be made through the link above with credit card or select cash/check and send payment to school with your student in an envelope marked "Harrison Elementary PTO: Karate".
Lionheart Children's Academy has openings for Before and/or After School Care for Crosby Elementary School. We transport your child to school and pick them up at the end of the day. Call the office for more information 513-688-0085.
Lionheart Children's Academy
9850 Carolina Trace Rd Harrison (located inside The Commons)
Hours of operations 6:30 am - 6:00 pm
Spring Picture Day is quickly approaching.
School Name: Crosby Elementary School
Picture Day Date(s): March 12, 2025
Picture Day ID: EVTJ2NJ6K
Only students that pre-ordered Spring photos will be photographed on Picture Day. All orders must be placed by Wednesday, March 12.
5th Grade Parents:
If your child has signed up to participate in the Crosby Variety Show, after-school club takes place on the dates below from 3:15pm - 4:00pm.
March 10
Variety Show Rehearsal: @ Activity Center (prior to performance)
Variety Show Performance: Monday, March 17 @ 7:00pm Activity Center
The next PTO meeting will take place on Monday, March 31st at 7:00 p.m. in the Art Room.
PTO- Membership Toolkit: or Facebook: Crosby Elementary PTO
Click the link below to participate! Your child should have also brought home a flyer.
At Crosby Elementary, we have several levels of mental health support for students. Mrs. Lee, our full-time school counselor, is the first line of contact for any of your student’s social or emotional needs. We also partner with Best Point to offer school therapy to students. Best Point also offers Care Coordination to help parents in the home as well. A Best Point referral can be made by Mrs. Lee or by you as the parent or guardian:
Online – or
Over the phone – 513-272-2800 Ask for the Intake Department
Please be sure to label items your child brings to school, such as lunch boxes, water bottles, jackets, sweatshirts, or any other item that could potentially end up in the Lost and Found. The lost and found is located in the area under the stairs at the bus dock exit. Items not collected at the end of each month will be donated to a local charity.
Parent Square is being rolled out to families as we speak! The implementation of Parent Square is a direct result of last year’s Parent Survey where families indicated their desire to eliminate multiple communication platforms and apps. This will accomplish that request, allowing a single district-wide platform to be used for all communication.
Between now and Monday, you will receive an email from Parent Square with a link to register your account. (You may need to check your Spam folder to find the email). Click the link in that email and follow the instructions to register your account. You will also receive a separate email from the Southwest Local School District with more in-depth information about Parent Square, directions on setting up your account, and a video on how to use Parent Square.
Parent Emails are pulled from Final Forms. Please make sure your information is up-to-date and correct.
How do I access my child’s grades and report card?
An official ProgressBook Parent/Student mobile app is now available in the iPhone App Store and the Google Play Store. With the ProgressBook Parent /Student mobile app, students and their families can track grades, view homework assignments, monitor attendance, and more. Please review the instructional sheet for more information. If you have any questions, please email
How does the district/school communicate information?
District- email using School Messenger, Facebook, Twitter, website
School- Principal- Weekly or Monthly Email/Text sent using School Messenger
Facebook and Twitter are used to post reminders only- all new information will be communicated through email/text.
Teachers- Progress Book, weekly newsletters, Teacher Apps (Dojo, Remind, etc.)
PTO- Membership Toolkit: or Facebook: Crosby Elementary PTO
How do I email my child’s teacher?
All staff member’s emails are
Or this page will link you to our staff directory: