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Academic and Social Growth for ALL students, EVERY DAY!

Wildcat Express (JS/HS Activity Shuttle)

The Southwest Local School District strongly supports extracurricular activities for students. In an effort to assist parents with transportation from after school practices/activities, we are happy to provide a north and south shuttle service daily departing the junior school at 5:00 PM daily. High School and Junior School students who participate in extracurricular activities of the day and have a shuttle pass from their coach or teacher are eligible to ride the shuttle bus. 

The shuttle has set stops in certain areas of the community. The shuttle is not designed to be a door to door service but designed to get students delivered to particular areas and/or subdivisions closer to their homes. Parents will need to make arrangements to pick up their child at the shuttle stop or permit students to walk home from the stop (if they feel it is a safe walk). 

Times vary greatly depending on the number of students who ride on any given day. 

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