Surplus Property and Equipment
Food Services
Staff Resources
Career Advising Policy
Gifted Education
Lean Six Sigma
Parent Math Resources: Kindergarten
Parent Math Resources: Grade 1
Parent Math Resources: Grade 2
Parent Math Resources: Grade 3
Parent Math Resources: Grade 4
Parent Math Resources: Grade 5
Parent Math Resources: Grade 6
Parent Math Resources: Grade 7
Parent Math Resources: Grade 8
Social Emotional Learning
Special Services
STEAM Initiatives
Title I
- Southwest Local School District is committed to the proper handling of all end of life cycle assets. The District’s process is based on following all applicable procedures, regulations and best practices for the proper disposal of assets.
- Active auction listings of surplus property and equipment may be viewed on GovDeals. All bids and payments are placed online by creating and using a GovDeals bidding account. Please review all terms and conditions on the listing before placing a bid.
- NOTICE: On July 30, 2020 by Resolution No. 17-2020, the Board of Education, Southwest Local School District, Hamilton County, Ohio, intends to sell, as it may become necessary or appropriate, unneeded, obsolete, or unfit property by internet auction, in the manner established by pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 721.15. When items become available for sale, the number of days provided for bidding on property shall comport with the regular practice of but shall never be less than ten (10) days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.