Looking at the Week Ahead-March 7, 2025
Looking at the Week Ahead-March 7, 2025

Looking at the Week Ahead...
Happy Fri-YAY Everybody,
Next week Harrison Elementary School will be focusing on our HEARTS. In coordination with the National Heart Association our students will be kicking off the week with assemblies on Monday. Listed below in the email is the link to sign up your family and children for fun activities taking place throughout the week.
Just a friendly reminder to turn your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night before you go to bed - Daylight Savings Time
Next Thursday (March 13th) is the last day of the Third Quarter. Students will be off from school on Friday so that teachers can finalize report cards. Please check Progress Book to make sure that your students are up to date.
Don’t forget you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Please make sure you are members of the correct sites. There were several “unofficial” sites created, and we are trying to inactivate them. We have been posting a lot of pictures of events happening at Harrison Elementary. Feel free to send them out to family and friends. This is a great way to keep up with events at school. We have attached a link to this email with all the Harrison Elementary social media accounts.
Follow us on Twitter@SLSDHarrisonEl
Like us on Facebook.com/HarrisonElementarySchool
The students are demonstrating our Four Core Values – Trust, Respect, Ownership and Leadership – throughout the day.
Have a great weekend!
Ron Mangus
Katie Conley
Assistant Principal
Parent Square is Coming Today!
Parent Square is being rolled out to families as we speak! The implementation of Parent Square is a direct result of last year’s Parent Survey where families indicated their desire to eliminate multiple communication platforms and apps. This will accomplish that request, allowing a single district-wide platform to be used for all communication.
Between now and Monday, you will receive an email from Parent Square with a link to register your account. (You may need to check your Spam folder to find the email). Click the link in that email and follow the instructions to register your account. You will also receive a separate email from the Southwest Local School District with more in-depth information about Parent Square, directions on setting up your account, and a video on how to use Parent Square.
Heart Safety and the Wellness Games are coming to Harrison Elementary!
Quack, Quack! The Heart Heroes are coming! Our school is participating in the Kids Heart Challenge, Wellness Games, and it’s time for you to sign up your student to become an official Heart Hero.
Sign up TODAY
- Download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android and click on “Register Now” then scroll down to join your school's team.
- OR click HERE. and choose “Sign Up” to get started.
The Wellness Games will take place the week of 3/10/2024!
Interactive flyer click here – Wellness Games Link
Here are our themes for the week!
Monday March 10th is Game Day! - Wear your favorite team jersey!
Tuesday March 11th is School Spirit Day! - Show your school Spirit!
Wednesday March 12th is Quacky Wednesday – Mix and Match your clothes!
Thursday March 13th is Superhero Day – Wear your Finns Mission cape or dress like your favorite superhero
Every student who signs up before March 10th will receive a bonus Gift during our assemblies.
Track and Field Opportunities
We are once again ready to get the Harrison Youth Track and Field program rolling for this spring. This is available for any K-6 student in the Southwest District. Attached is a flyer that directs parents to the Harrison Athletic Boosters website in order to find information about the program and to register for the team.
Click on the link here to access the registration form - Click Here
Reminder from the School Nurse, Mrs. Kinnett
District Policy states that the student must be fever free, not experiencing diarrhea and/or vomiting for 24 hours without the use of medication before returning to school. If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse.
State Testing Schedule for Grades 3-5
AIR Reading (R) Grade 3-5
April 8 - 3rd & 5th Grade ELA/Rdg Part 1
April 9 - 3rd & 5th Grade ELA/Rdg Part 2 - 4th Grade ELA/Rdg Part 1
April 10 - 4th Grade ELA/Rdg Part 2
AIR Math (M) Grade 3-5 and Science 5
April 28 – 5th Grade Science Part 1
April 29 - 5th Grade Science Part 2 - 3rd Grade Math Part 1
April 30 - 3rd Grade Math Part 1
May 1 - 4th & 5th Grade Math Part 1
May 2 - 4th & 5th Grade Math Part 2
Kindergarten Registration – Began Monday, Feb. 3rd
The Southwest Local School District began kindergarten registration for the 2025 - 2026 school year Feb 3, 2025. Registration can be completed online from any computer. Detailed instructions regarding the online application are available on the district's website (www.southwestschools.org) under New Student Registration Tab. When your online forms are completed and all required documents have been uploaded, call the district registrar at district office at 513-728-8401 to make sure the documents have been received and are acceptable to complete your registration. See the link below for the NEW age requirements and immunization requirements.
New Age requirements coming for next year’s Kindergarten Students
Please click on the link below if you have a student heading towards kindergarten. There are some new age requirements for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year.
PTO Planning Meeting
PTO meetings this school year will take place on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 pm in the school cafeteria. The next PTO meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 14th. We hope to see many of you at the meeting.
You can now join PTO. Your small membership fee of $10 helps us provide services for the kids! This does not require you to volunteer or attend meetings. It is all up to you how much you would like to be involved. If you have any questions, please reach out to a board member.
Joining the PTO is not a huge commitment and often looks like 1-3 service hours a year with opportunities in the evenings, during the school day or can be as simple as signing up to send in cookies for an event. Everyone doing a little adds up to a LOT for our kids.
If you would like to join the PTO please Click Here
Minutes for the January Meeting – Click Here
Minutes for the February Meeting - Click Here
The PTO Executive Board has several vacancies at the end of this school year. Please see the link below for job descriptions.
PTO Job Descriptions - Click Here
Hope to see you soon!
Harrison PTO
Building Character
Third Quarter Focus: Ownership
3/10: Review Perseverance -Perseverance is defined as working hard to achieve your goals and not giving up.
Fourth Quarter Focus: Leadership
3/17: Leadership-Leadership is defined as, People value my opinion and look to me for direction.
3/24: No School
3/31: Humility-Humility is defined as, I let my accomplishments speak for themselves.
Bus Passes
Due to the number of children riding the bus this year, NO bus passes will be written for students wishing to go home with another student. Please plan for transportation once the students have arrived home. If bus situations change throughout the year, please complete a new bus route information sheet, and submit it to our office to be processed at the District Office.
Track and Field Flyer – Click Here
Wellness Games Interactive Flyer - Click Here
Stay Connected Media Flyer - Click Here
Important Items for the Week Ahead
Monday, March 10 – Wear your favorite team jersey!
Tuesday, March 11 – Show your school Spirit!
- 7:00 pm CAT Meeting – Junior School
Wednesday, March 12 – Mix and Match your clothes!
Thursday, March 13 – Wear your Finns Mission cape or dress like your favorite superhero
- Pee Wee Penguin Banking Deposit Day
- End of Third Quarter
Friday, March 14 – End of Third Quarter – No school for students
DISTRICT MISSION: "Academic and Social Growth for ALL students, EVERY DAY!"
DISTRICT MOTTO: "Excellence through Relationships"
HARRISON ELEMENTARY MOTTO: "Where Children Come First"
DISTRICT CORE VALUES: Trust, Respect, Ownership and Leadership