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School Polcies

Important Message about Attendance

Notes are REQUIRED EACH and EVERY time a student is absent or tardy to/from school

It is the obligation of the parent/guardian to report a child’s absence or tardy/early dismissal each day. The policy requires that parents call the school if their child is going to be absent. If parents to not call, the school will call home.

Upon the student’s return to school from an absence or tardy, the parent shall provide written documentation stating the day(s) absent/tardy and the reason for the absence/tardy. If the school does not receive written documentation within two school days after the student returns, the absence or tardy will be “unexcused.”

After 8 absences or 5 tardies, ONLY a DOCTOR’s note or COURT note will be accepted.

The policy also states that the district will refer students and their parents to Hamilton County Juvenile Court for “habitual and chronic unexcused absences.”

The Superintendent will also revoke the driving privileges of students of driving age for excessive, unexcused absences.

Please see below for the School Board approved attendance policy regarding absences, excuses, and truancy, which directly references The Ohio Revised Code for attendance regulations and stipulations. 

Attendance Policy

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