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Career & College Information

Career & College Counseling

School counseling professionals at William Henry High School provide a comprehensive program of counseling services for students in grades 9 through 12. One way we provide our services is through a program called Naviance Family Connection. 

Senior checklist for applying to college


College and Career Representatives Meetings

All juniors and seniors are strongly encouraged to attend the meetings with the college and career representatives that visit William Henry High School. Students should sign up for meetings at least 1 day in advance. Students can sign up for meetings through Family Connection. The list of colleges coming to Harrison will be posted on the Family Connection site. Students who sign up for meetings online will be given an College/Career Representative Pass that must be signed by the teacher and counselor. The teacher must give final approval for a student to miss class. Meetings with college/career representatives last approximately 50 minutes. 


College and Apprenticeship Campus Visits

Please click here for tips on campus visits and questions to ask while on a campus visit! Juniors are allowed two days and Seniors are allowed three days.


College Open House and Campus Visitation Opportunities



 Apprenticeship Information

Apprenticeships Available

Go to Department of Job and Family Service's website for a listing of all apprenticeships available in the state of Ohio.  You can sort by types of programs or by County.  Wonderful resource!


Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee

The Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee is accepting applications for Plumbing, Pipe Fitter and Mechanical Equipment Service Apprenticeship Programs.  Go to UA Local 392's website for more information.


Sheet Metal Workers

Applications are now available for Sheet Metal Apprenticeships.  Call 513-821-8120 for information on how to pick up an application.  Starting pay is $11.42/hr with the cap being $28.36/hr after experience.  Pension and Health plans available!


 Connections Learning Here is more information regarding Connections Learning and the ilearnohio AP Digital Tuition Fee Waiver program.  Connections Learning, a division of Pearson, has been providing accredited, virtual, online courses for K-12 for over ten years. They offer core courses, electives, gifted & Talented courses for elementary and middle school, Honors and AP courses for high school, STEM courses, a Homebound program, Summer School, and Credit Recovery courses. They are accredited nationally and all of their teachers are subject-specific experts and highly qualified, online teachers. Their courses are aligned to our state standards and developing common core standards.  If you are looking for a blended or hybrid learning environment, Connections Learning can provide you with that as well. To view a list of their AP course descriptions, please go here, and then click on “Core” and “Electives” to view the descriptions. Please don’t hesitate to contact Holly Steinbarth with any questions at 888-440-2890 ext. 1297 or via email Thank you very much. Junior Year Career Planning Packet Students are easily overwhelmed by all the choices they need to make before graduating. Getting answers to the right questions will make the planning a little easier. Read here
5 Questions Students Must Ask While College and Career Planning—for college and career planning tips, strategies, and other advice. Your student will learn:

  • Why participating in sports, arts, and other activities can help after high school
  • Why the school counselor is a great resource for college and career planning
  • How to “try out” potential careers while still in high school
  • What your student’s priorities should be during junior and senior years
  • How to find scholarships, grants, and other ways to pay for college

 Online College Information Top Rated Online Colleges

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