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Helpful websites on Autism

Alaska Autism Resource Center 

The AARC serves the needs of individuals with ASD, their families, caregivers, and service providers throughout the state of Alaska. They provide information, referral, training, and consultation via on-site and distance delivery. The Alaska Autism Resource Center (AARC) is a project of the Special Education Service Agency (SESA) locate 
in Anchorage, Alaska.

Asperger Syndrome 

A free and rich resource of information on Asperger Syndrome for families and educators. Edited by Brenda Smith Myles, Ph.D., a consultant with the Ziggurat Group and Chief of Programs and Development for the Autism Society, the site includes multiple articles in such areas as the characteristics of Asperger Syndrome, social interventions, advocating for your child at school; academic Interventions, post-high school options, and developing and maintaining friendships. Over 20 articles written by nationally recognized experts appear on this site.

Autism Center for Diagnosis and Treatment

Located in Cape Girardeau, Missouri this center offers articles and a library as well as consultative and assessment services.

Autism: Interventions and Strategies for Success  

This school-based publication was written by Susan Stoke. The publication contains six articles designed to assist teachers and parents in such areas as assistive technology for children with autism; characteristics/learning styles and intervention strategies for children with Asperger Syndrome; effective programming for young children with autism; structured teaching strategies for students with autism; increasing expressive communication skills for verbal children with autism and developing expressive communication skills for nonverbal children with autism.

Autism and PDD Support Network 

This website contains resources and links to useful sites on the characteristics of ASD, related services, and important school information for parents. Parents unfamiliar with special education can gain an understanding of the IEP process, programs for children with autism and respite care information.

Ohio’s Parent Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders

470 Glenmont Avenue

Columbus, Ohio 43214 

Ohio Parent's Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders This manual provides an overview of the world of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It was developed by Ohio parents of individuals with ASD who have a broad range of experience with interventions, resources, and services. The groups work began with the question:What do you wish you had known the first year your child was diagnosed?

The manual covers a wide range of topics of interest to families, and each chapter contains rich reference materials, including books, websites, and names of organizations where additional information on each topic may be obtained.

I Suspect My Child Has Autism

Chapter 1: What Is an Autism Spectrum Disorder?

A definition of ASD with a list of characteristics and common warning signs in young children

Chapter 2: Screening and Diagnosis

An explanation of the difference between the diagnosis of ASD and the educational identification of autism

Chapter 3: Living with ASD

A review of common issues of daily life with practical tips for families

Chapter 4: Interventions

A review of therapies, program models, biomedical interventions, and individual strategies

Chapter 5: Accessing Educational Services

A guide to obtaining appropriate educational services

Chapter 6: Social Service Programs

A list of Ohio social service agencies and a review of the support they can provide

Chapter 7: Advocacy and Disability Awareness

A guide to help families become advocates who will influence services and supports for family members with ASD and influence public policy related to ASD

Chapter 8: Future Planning

A review of issues to consider as individuals with ASD grow into adulthood

References and Resources

A list of books, websites, and organizations that provide additional help and information

Appendix A: Definition of Pervasive Developmental Disorders

Full definition of pervasive developmental disorders according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (IV-TR)

Appendix B: Useful Forms

Developmental Milestones, Family Health History, Emergency Medical, Emergency Response Information for Individuals with a Disability, Parent Record-Keeping Worksheet, Child/Student Profile, Home-School Communication, IEPs, MFEs, Diagnostic Assessments

Please note: An issue of Disability Solutions is included in the hardcopy of the Parent Guide, Appendix B. It is a separate download here.

Appendix C: Navigating Rough Water

Steps parents can take when they disagree with educators on their childs program

Appendix D: Letter to Request a Multi-Factored Evaluation

Appendix E: Process for Determining Eligibility for Special Education Services


A list of terms used and page numbers where their meaning is defined

OCALI has received a grant from the Autism Society of Ohio to provide a print copy of Ohio's Parent Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders to any parent of a child with autism who calls to request one. Parents may call toll-free at 866-886-2254.

Services and Supports Database 

This searchable online database includes public and private services, supports, and programs available to individuals with disabilities and their families in Ohio. Our intent is to help families find the services and supports they need as close to home as possible.

AIM Modules (Autism Internet Modules)

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 1 in every 166 Americans has an autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Despite these staggering numbers, few avenues exist to provide parents, families, and family support groups with information that helps individuals with ASD achieve their highest potential. The purpose of the AIM project is to address this gap and further Ohios pursuit to become a national leader in serving individuals with ASD.

OCALI has developed Autism Internet Modules (AIM) in partnership with the Autism Society of America (ASA) and the Nebraska Autism Spectrum Disorders Network. The AIM project will develop a series of 60 online modules, including characteristics, diagnosis, interventions and supports, transition, and employment. Module authors include experts in ASD from across the nation. The modules will be available at no cost, to any computer or digital telephone user. Thus, the modules will be available to parents and families, and family support groups throughout Ohio and on a global basis. 

Parent Groups

A variety of parent groups throughout Ohio support parents and family members, provide resources and education, host special events for families, and promote autism awareness in the community.

Hamilton County   

Autism Society of Greater Cincinnati 

FEAT of Greater Cincinnati 

Carrie Schuetz, 

Families with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Inc. 

4215 Edinburgh Dr. 

Cincinnati, OH  45245 
Families with ASD website 

Comforting Ties Support Group 

Sandy Knollman 

Work# 859-957-1962 or Cell# 513-703-6215 
1st Monday of every month from 5:30-6:30 PM. 

Autism Blog & Links to Autism-Related Sites

Online Autism Support Group

Parent Training Series OCALI will provide training materials to help parent support group leaders to allow them to offer topic-focused information sessions at monthly meetings. The OCALI training modules will be designed to be presented in 1.5 hours, allowing time for questions and discussion within a typical 2-hour program. The training modules will provide information on various topics of interest such as sibling issues, sexuality, transition to the community, and using visual supports at home. They will be based on best practice models or services and will be designed to be practical and easily adaptable for implementation by families. 

Each training kit will include a facilitators guide and a PowerPoint presentation, in addition to a training booklet for distribution to attendees. The facilitators guide will include interactive discussion questions and ideas for application. The training kits will be available to parent group leaders at no cost through the Lending Library.

Parent Mentors 

Parent Mentors are a unique group of parents of children with special needs who work within school districts to provide families with the information and support they need to work effectively with the school district. Parent Mentors are trained on a range of topics, including the special education system, conflict resolution, current trends, communication and many other areas. For more information and to learn if your district or Educational Service Center employs a Parent Mentor, visit the Parent Mentor website.

10 Things Every Parent Should Know 

All parents face challenges in childrearing. The challenges can be greater if you have a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or significant support needs. Here are 10 things to remember.

  1. If you have concerns about your child, it is OK to seek help. Talk to your childs teacher or in Ohio contact Help Me Grow toll free at 800-755-4769 to talk about your concerns and get a referral to an appropriate specialist. 
  2. Your child is, first and foremost, your child, a unique human being with gifts and challenges like all of us. It is the responsibility of the adults in your childs world to learn how to support her successfully.
  3. Your child is doing the very best he can with the support available at this stage of his development.
  4. You are not alone. There are sources of support for parents of children with ASD and significant support needs. Both the Autism Society of Ohio (330.376.0211) and the Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities (800.374.2806) can help you find the information and services you need.

    Autism Ohio website

    Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities
  5. Other parents can be your lifeline during difficult times. Locate and attend a parent support group or link up with one online to share common issues and concerns and brainstorm solutions.
  6. Take care of yourself. Sometimes we become so involved in supporting our child that we dont take time for ourselves. Remember, you cant give from an empty cup.
  7. Although your child may have significant needs, its OK to take time for your other children and your spouse.
  8. Be open to what others say, but trust yourself when it comes to your child and what she needs. You know your child and have important knowledge to share with others about her.
  9. Remember, not everything has to be educational. Make sure your child has some time every day thats fun.
  10. We all belong. Allow your child to participate in community activities and give the community the opportunity to learn to support him.
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